Analysis of the work process and suicide in the largest smoking regions in Brazil
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Ministry of Health / National Cancer Institute , Division of Tobacco Control, Brazil
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A943
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Background and challenges to implementation:
Even though Brazil´s balance of trade accounts for the real economic benefits of tobacco production. There is annual spending of R $ 56.9 billion in medical expenses and loss of productivity, tax collection of R $ 13 billion, covering only 23% of the expenses with the epidemic. Equally worrisome is the health of tobacco producers, who in the country almost 200,000 family farmers, inserted in a type of work that demands knowledge as part of health care, and Article 18 of the Framework Convention. This scenario motivated a qualitative research, aiming to evaluate the work process and to identify elements that can cause damages to the physical and mental health in farmers, even with suicide outcome.

Intervention or response:
This study was organized in two stages: a) analysis of the work process in the producing regions in the south and northeast of the country, based on information from studies published since 1990; B) analysis of the occurrence of registered suicide cases from 2004 to 2013 in official databases in 52 municipalities.

Results and lessons learnt:
The productive cycle can take 14 months absorbing until 12h / day. Different fumes require working modalities in sheds or open air. Being plant susceptible to pests, there is intense use of pesticides and toxicities, concentrating on the leaves with nicotine that will be manipulated and stored by the farmer. The price paid at the end may not cover the investments, including industry loans, resulting in the accumulation of debts with the company and your property risk. Databases reported suicides in all tobacco producing municipalities with the largest number in the regions of highest production in the south (Rio Grande do Sul state) and northeast (Arapiraca).

Conclusions and key recommendations:
The many stages in the work process and aggressors to physical and mental health point to reconsideration about the real benefits to the country´s economy.
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