Can Facebook help reduce smoking? A qualitative study to investigate how to use social media for tobacco control among Australian Indigenous people
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Menzies School of Health Research, Australia
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A482
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tobacco industry was quick to exploit social media to subvert tobacco
advertising and promotion bans, and directly connect with consumers. Social
media offers similar opportunities for tobacco control, however evidence for
how to effectively use it to influence behaviour is limited. The aim of this
study was to understand how traditional mass media and peer influence
approaches may need to be adapted for Facebook-based strategies.
Indigenous peer researchers who were active Facebook users were recruited to
share tobacco control content weekly from January to June 2017. Peer
researchers were given three content options each week, and required to share
at least one. They documented reasons for their choice and recorded both online
and offline interactions it generated. Contacts from within the peer
researchers' networks were interviewed face-to-face to understand the real
world impact of the content, particularly posts which generated no online
interaction. Data was inductively analysed using grounded theory methodology.
which were direct, positive, specific and relatable for Aboriginal people's
values and social context, and which had practical information were favoured.
Content that leveraged people's care and concern for children was most likely
to be shared, even if the content was international. The impact on peer
researchers' Facebook contacts varied significantly. Some reported never seeing
the content; others were directly impacted - including quitting smoking as a
direct result of posts.
popularity of a Facebook post, as measured by visible reactions such as likes,
shares and comments, does not necessarily equate with its real world impact. Shocking
and graphic tobacco control messages used for traditional mass media campaigns are
often bypassed or ignored by both smokers and non-smokers when sharing content
on Facebook. Further research is required around the impact of tobacco control
campaigns which are strengths-based and target Indigenous people.