Can tobacco industry be compatible with the purport of SDGs?
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Department of Health Sciences, Nihon Institute of Medical Science, Saitama, Japan
Publication date: 2019-10-12
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2019;17(Suppl 1):A82
SDGs was proposed to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. Because MDGs are a call for action by all countries, poor, rich and middle income, while principle targets of MDGs were poor and developing countries, economic worlds have promptly adopted this principle in which they found business chance. Because even Japan Tobacco Inc. and its group (JT) insists SDGs on its management policy, we need to closely watch how they are going to gloss over their business.

Methods & Results:
We attempt to compare the Sustainability Report of JT group with several goals of SDGs. Agriculture of tobacco leaf largely depends on child labor and more than half of 152 million children who engaged in some labor worked in farms and are deprived from chance of education (SDGs 1, 4 and 8). JT proudly declared that they provided chance of education for only just more than 7 thousands children by ARISE program. Concerning SDGs 3, JT states they are offering consumers reduced risk products which have been already proved not to be harmless. Tobacco leaf cultivation itself gives hazard to farmers who suffer green tobacco sickness. Concerning SDGs 13 and 15, second hand smoke caused damages to people just like air-pollution and large areas of forest have been destroyed by slash-and-burn agriculture for tobacco leaf cultivation.

The business of JT and its group seems not to be compatible with the purport of SDGs.
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