Development of a network for training health care professionals in smoking cessation in medical check-ups in Kumamoto
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Faculty of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan
Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Health Care Center, Kumamoto, Japan
Kumamoto Kinoh Hospital, Kumamoto, Japan
Takano Respiratory Clinic, Hirono, Japan
Health Promotion Center, Kumamoto, Japan
Publication date: 2019-10-12
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2019;17(Suppl 1):A14
Objective of these projects is to train advisors for the treatment of tobacco dependency, focusing mainly on the training of doctors and healthcare professionals involved in health screening and care that are centered on Kumamoto and the organization of which the applicant (Omori) is a member, and to promote smoking cessation advising (short-term intervention) to healthcare providers.
So far, more than 40 health organization participated in the present projects. We had questionnaire on current status of smoking cessation advising for examinees and patients from these organizations. Seminar of smoking cessation advising (short-term intervention) was held for healthcare professionals and doctors at Kumamoto University. About 90 healthcare professionals and doctors participated this seminar.
Seminar for healthcare professionals in local area (Tamana district, and Yatsushiro District) in Kumamoto will be held in this summer.
We will evaluate the ratio of patients and medical examinees that received smoking cessation advising (short-term intervention) or treatment at a smoking cessation clinic and smokers who received advising and successfully stopped smoking during the research period.