E-cigarettes or vaping: examining perceptions of use and associated harm among current users in Australia and Bangladesh
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La Trobe University, Austin Clinical School of Nursing, Australia
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, Australia
La Trobe University, Austin and Northern Clinical School of Nursing, Australia
Umeå University, Department of Nursing, Sweden
Austin Hospital, Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine, Australia
The University of Melbourne, Department of Medicine, Australia
St Vincent's Health, Department of Psychiatry, Australia
The University of Melbourne, Department of Psychiatry, Australia
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A244
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or vaping are currently increasing in popularity among smokers globally. This
study aims to examine the perceptions of e-cigarette users regarding use and
associated harm.
cross sectional survey was conducted during July 2017 among members of
different popular online forums in Australia and Bangladesh, who were current
or ex-users of e-cigarettes. A structured questionnaire was used to collect
data anonymously using Qualtrics.
There were 452 study participants, mean age was 39(±13.2)
years and 80%(n=356) were men. Half of them (n=223) resided in Australia and 32%(n=143)
in Bangladesh. Three in four participants (77%) lived in metropolitan areas, 47%
were married, 33% had undergraduate level of education, a fifth of them were
either professionals or employed. More than three quarters (76%) of respondents
were not current smokers and 40% of them quit smoking 1-5 years ago. Three
quarters of the current smokers (76%) tried to quit smoking cigarettes in the
last 12 months. Almost all of the participants (96%) were using e-cigarettes
daily and 94% of them had nicotine in the e-liquid used. The average amount of
e-liquid used, nicotine strengths and duration of use were 8.2(±6.9) ml/day,
6.7(±5.8) mg/ml, and 25.2(±23.3) months respectively. Reasons for using
e-cigarettes were to reduce/quit cigarette smoking (91%), good taste/flavor
(50%), low cost (41%), safe to use (39%) and can be used indoor/smoke free
areas (33%). The majority of respondents (81%) perceived e-cigarettes as less
harmful than cigarettes and 65% perceived them as less addictive. The majority
of respondents (88%) did not try to stop using e-cigarettes, however, 75% of
them had an intention to discontinue in the next five years.
were primarily used for reducing/quitting cigarettes, which supports prior
evidence regarding the effectiveness of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation.