Improvement of cognition for smoking cessation support in nurses who received Japanese Smoking Cessation Educational Program - Outcome evaluation before and after the program
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College of Nursing, Aichi Medical University, Aichi, Japan
Community Health Nursing, National Defense Medical College, Saitama, Japan
Center for Cancer Control and Information Services, National Cancer Center, Tokyo, Japan
Publication date: 2019-10-12
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2019;17(Suppl 1):A12
The purpose of this study is to assess the improvement of cognition for smoking cessation support among nurses who received Japanese Smoking Cessation Educational Program

This program was held six times in 2018 with the cooperation of the prefectural nursing association. A questionnaire survey was administered before and after the workshop. Locations and numbers of surveys collected comprised Kyoto Prefecture (twice, in total), 71; Yamagata Prefecture, 84; Tochigi Prefecture, 42; Okinawa Prefecture, 77; and Osaka Prefecture, 78. The purpose was to analyze the results before and after training sessions. In conducting this research, we reported to the ethics committee of our organization.

1) Evaluation at the end of the workshop program
“Satisfaction”: “Extremely” 67. 4%, “Moderately” 31.5 %
“Mastery level”: “Sufficient” 10.1%, “Good” 76.7%
“I want to participate in the future, too.”: “Strongly agree” 56.8%, “Agree” 40.6%
2) Changes in attitude and attitude toward smoking cessation support
Before and after the workshop, those with significant statistical effects were “motivation,” “confidence (all nine items),” “anxiety,” “difficulty,” and “enjoyment” in terms of smoking cessation support. On the other hand, there was no significant difference between the degree of “importance” and “the degree of interest” for smoking cessation support before and after the workshop.

Nurses who participate in this workshop have a high degree of importance and interest in smoking cessation support and are highly motivated to participate in the workshop. Although most participants express a sense of satisfaction after the training sessions, it is also necessary to evaluate whether the participants who completed the workshop are able to capitalize on the actual duties.

This project is implemented with research and development funds of the National Cancer Research Center and research funds of the Global Bridge.
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