Monitoring the interferences of tobacco industry and analyzing situation of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship through implementing an online surveillance system to facilitate enforcement of tobacco control laws in Bangladesh
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Grambangla Unnayan Committee, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Publication date: 2021-09-02
Corresponding author
A.K.M. Maksud
Grambangla Unnayan Committee, House 93 (1st Floor), Road 1,
Mohammadia Housing Society
Mohammadpur, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A109
Grambangla Unnayan Committee has developed an online surveillance software to monitor incidences of TAPS ban violations and tobacco industry interferences. Tobacco Industry encourages retailers to violate the TAPS bans at the point of sales (POS) through advertisements and reimbursement of the money equivalent to the fines by Executive Magistrate.
The purpose of the initiative is to monitor the interferences of tobacco industry and analyzing situation of Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship (TAPS) through operationalizing an online surveillance system to facilitate enforcement of tobacco control laws in Bangladesh.
The data collection mechanism has been performed by the use of customized software used through an android phone, GPS, taking a photo of the POS and filling an online data collection format. The method of data collection was census of POS of 12 towns of Barisal division in Bangladesh. Data was collected from 6025 POS.
The online surveillance team has identified a total of 6025 POS and collected all related data of those POS. Findings of the online surveillance shows 43 types of incidences of violation in relation to TAPS ban and tobacco interferences at POS e.g. stickers (67.0%), shop signage (33.5%), cash box or any box with tobacco sign (23.1%), use of brand name or similar color at POS (26.3%), showcase with tobacco sign (14.0%), big dummy packet (24.2%), leaflet (14.9%), attractive cigarette display shelf (12.6%), advertising on windows (13.0%), poster (2.1%), flyer (1.4%), etc.
Data generated from the online surveillance now made it easy for the District Task Force Committees and Sub-district Task Force Committees to enforce provisions of Tobacco Control Law since data indicate addresses, GPS locations and photos of POS and incidences of TAPS ban violations at the POS. There is no “Conflict of Interest” with the findings of this research with any person or institutions.