Networking with rural NGOs for strengthening tobacco control programme at the grassroots level
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Salaam Mumbai Foundation, Mumbai, India
Publication date: 2021-09-02
Corresponding author
Rajashree Kadam
Salaam Mumbai Foundation, Nirmal
Building, 1st Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021 Maharashra, India
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A4
Despite a high level of awareness among adults about the hazards of tobacco use, the recent Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2016-2017 showed that in Maharashtra alone, which is one of major tobacco producing states in the country, 13% of adolescent students aged 13 to 15 years, consume tobacco. Almost 4 in 10 tobacco users in India start before the age of 18 years, which makes adolescence a critical and susceptible phase for experimenting with and initiating tobacco-use. Salaam Mumbai Foundation (SMF) aims to fulfill these very aims of raising awareness about and preventing tobacco use among the susceptible group of adolescents and youth.
Involving and engaging influential NGOs to conduct tobacco control in rural areas is effective and sustainable for scale up at the grass-roots level.
Since 2007, SMF has trained 579 NGOs in Maharashtra and seven national-level NGOs, on ill-effects of tobacco use and the effective implementation of the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (COTPA) 2003
By training and working with 579 NGOs in Maharashtra, SMF was able to reach around 30,000,00 children, youth and community members in the state. In the case of the 7 national-level NGOs, they, in turn, trained around 8000 stakeholders and reached out to 60000 school students. Thirty NGOs were also able to declare their workplaces as tobacco-free and have trained their staff to implement tobacco control activities. Five NGOs have been awarded the prestigious Vyasanmukti Award by SMF, for their exceptional work in this area.
Trained NGOs have now developed resource materials and independently conducted tobacco control activities and events in their program areas.