Prevalence of tobacco smoking in Armenia, STEPs survey
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National Institute of Health, Ministry of Health, Yerevan, Armenia
Publication date: 2018-10-03
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А. Torosyan   

National Institute of Health, Ministry of Health, Yerevan, Armenia
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 3):A58
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To assess the prevalence of tobacco use in 18-69 population of Armenia the survey participants were asked about their current smoking status, previous smoking experience, types of tobacco products used, and their exposure to second-hand smoke at home, workplace and public places.

The sample was based on a multi-stage cluster sampling method using demographic data on adult population of Armenia. A sample size of 2380 households was selected and one questionnaire for adults was filled out per household. The survey was conducted with financial and technical assistance of the World Health Organization.

Every 4th (27,9 %) respondent in the 18-69 age group and every second men (51.5%) were considered smokers. Smoking tobacco in men is one of the most prevalent risk factors of NCD development. Tobacco use was more prevalent in residents of Yerevan (30.2%), than in other cities (21.3%) and villages (23.3%). Nine out of ten smokers were daily smokers. The mean age of starting to smoke was 18.1. Three (32.7%) out of ten smokers smoked 25 and more cigarettes per day, thus putting them at risk of malignancies and cardiovascular diseases. Every five (56.4%) out of ten respondents were found to be exposed to secondhand smoke at home and every fourth (26.6%) in the workplace.

STEPS survey will enable implementing the tobacco strategy introduced in 2017. The main objective and goal of the strategy and of the RA Government is to implement measures and activities aimed at reducing the prevalence and consumption rates, maintaining the health of the population and also reducing the incidence of NCD by cutting the use of tobacco products and other tobacco substitutes.
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