South-south cooperation on tobacco control - Project Plan on Article 5.2. National Coordination Brasil - Colombia
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Ministry of Health of Brazil, Brazil
Ministry of Health and Social Protection Colombia, Noncommunicable Diseases Office, Colombia
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A618
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Background and challenges to implementation:
Based on Colombian demands to meet its obligations under the WHO FCTC and face the challenges on strengthening and accelerating tobacco control programs, both countries set a Cooperation Project aimed to raise the topic on governmental agenda and ensure smooth and coordinated tobacco control multisectoral response at different levels of governance.
Intervention or response:
Brazil will organize a virtual meeting to launch the project and make a presentation of its own governance context and structure. Provider to share with recipients the methodology for carrying out the mapping exercise Brazilian experience, lessons learned, current activities.
Recipient country carry out a mapping activity of key stakeholders working in the tobacco control area.
Understanding stakeholders role and how they impact on the good functioning of the National Coordinating Mechanisms in order to avoid possible overlapping responsibilities
Identify potential “opinion leader”/ focal point for tobacco control within each country
Based on the information collected from each country and on the diagnosis, develop a general “Guidelines for smart approach”, which will contain methodology related to stakeholders mapping and involvement.
Results and lessons learnt:
Guidelines implementation. Workshops will be organized in the recipient countries, including simulation exercises that brings together key stakeholders.
Training the smart approach with opinion leader and possible focal points for tobacco control and set a plan for the approach;
Implement the smart approach with stakeholders by opinion leader or national focal points to institutionalize well-functioning and reliable financed tobacco control focal points and National Coordinating Mechanisms (NCMs);
Implement the smart approach with stakeholders to allocate human and financial resources for planning and implementing of tobacco control activities by opinion leader or national focal points;
Conclusions and key recommendations:
South South Cooperation is a tool that enables the exchange of information and knowledge between countries, recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of each and enhancing the capacity development in both supplier and recipient countries.