Supporting young women to have smokefree pregnancies - BabyBe Smokefree
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Improving Performance in Practice (iPiP), United Kingdom
Revealing People, United Kingdom
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A362
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Background and challenges to implementation:
Given the damage that tobacco smoke can have on the unborn child and
the high associated costs, it is critical that rates of smoking in pregnancy
are reduced.
Current pathways for supporting pregnant smokers are not meeting the
needs of some of the youngest and most vulnerable women as evidenced by the low
rate of uptake of support and the high rate of young women who smoke throughout
their pregnancy.
Intervention or response:
Two insight-driven projects were undertaken in three diverse areas across
England. The intervention was to facilitate a better understanding of young
women drivers and barriers to changing behaviour and develop asset-based
approaches which encourage and enable young women aged between 16 and 24 to
have pregnancies that are free from tobacco use.
Results and lessons learnt:
The projects provided a better understanding of:
Their experiences of being pregnant and of
smoking during pregnancy.
The real barriers to quitting.
What or who they would turn to if they wanted
support and how they want to quit.
Their expectations of health professionals.
What information they want, how and from whom.
Trusted messengers - who they want to trust and
when/why they can't
Influences on choice.
View to risk and how it's measured.
Clear thoughts on what would work and outline of
the delivered intervention.
Conclusions and key recommendations:
An insights driven approach can:
Positively impact on the commissioning and
provision of evidence based support for young vulnerable women
Influence the design of interventions and
professional practice to better meet the needs of target populations.