The effectiveness of the 5A’s Smoking Cessation Model to the amphetamine users who smoking in the Psychosocial Clinic at Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand 2017
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Sunpasithiprasong Hospital, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Ratchanee Veerasuksawad   

Sunpasithiprasong Hospital, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A215
At Psychosocial Clinic found that 95 percent of amphetamine users had smoking behaviors.

Was for amphetamines users who smoke to quit smoking by participating in programs that will strengthen their motivation to quit. 45 people voluntarily participated in the program, duration 1 Oct 2016 - 30 Sep 2017.

This study is by PDCA principles. Plan: For the drug treatment program we found there was no cigarette therapy program, therefore we started using the cigarette therapy program to build motivation to quit smoking, which has 2 phases (Tool:1. Applied Motivation Interviewing Program for smoking cessation 2. Fargerstrom Test for nicotine dependence 3.Assessment form. Data were analyzed by using percentage, mean and content analysis.). Do: Implement Phase 1 group therapy 4 sessions, 45-60 minutes each time, 1 time per week, the 1st session: Assess nicotine addiction. Analyze readiness to quit smoking and create incentives. Session 2 increase motivation by offering an option to quit in those who decided to stop. Session 3-4 currently acting to quit smoking and for those who quit smoking. Phase 2 follow up 4 times within 6 months.

There were 19 people who quit smoking, and the another 26 people who reduced to 5-10 cigarettes/day. Those who didn’t quit we found to be because they were addicted to high levels of nicotine, high craving and withdrawal, and had stimulants such as drinking, having smoking friends, using amphetamines, therefore we increased relapse prevention skills by individual counseling and considering medication to help quit smoking. ACT: Introduced a revised program to continue in the group therapy.

The results of the study were that 42.2% quit smoking, 57.8% reduced smoking. The program was able to help people with mild to moderate nicotine addiction to have motivation to quit. The people who couldn’t quit were addicted to high level of nicotine addiction.
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