The independent role of prenatal and postnatal exposure to active and passive smoking on the development of early wheeze in children
C.I. Vardavas, C. Hohmann, E. Patelarou, D. Martinez, A.J. Henderson, R. Granell, J. Sunyer, M. Torrent, M.P. Fantini, D. Gori, I. Annesi-Maesano, R. Slama, L. Duijts, J.C. de Jongste, J.J. Aurrekoetxea, M. Basterrechea, E. Morales, F. Ballester, M. Murcia, C. Thijs, M. Mommers, C.E. Kuehni, E.A. Gaillard, C. Tischer, J. Heinrich, C. Pizzi, D. Zugna, U. Gehring, A. Wijga, L. Chatzi, M. Vassilaki, A. Bergström, E. Eller, S. Lau, T. Keil, M. Nieuwenhuijsen, M. Kogevinas
European Respiratory Journal