The price sensitivity of choice and consumption of cigarette by brand categories in Bangladesh: findings from ITC Bangladesh Surveys
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Dhaka University, Economics Department, Bangladesh
American Cancer Society, Economic & Health Policy Research, United States of America
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A111
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The cigarette market in Bangladesh is segmented
into four brand categories-low, medium, high and premium. These brands are
differentiated by flavor, mildness, filter, and packaging. Smokers choose
brands based on their preference for these product characteristics that closely
interact with the affordability of different cigarette brands. Despite wide
variation in price and product characteristics, brands can be close substitutes
due to their addictive nicotine content, a feature that can trigger switching
of brands in response to change in market price and income of smokers.
We use nationally
representative cohort data on smokers from four waves of International Tobacco
Control (ITC) Policy Evaluation Survey conducted over 2009-2015. First, we
specify a multinomial logit model to identify the determinants of brand choice.
Second, we specify four conditional demand functions of daily cigarette
consumption for four brand categories and estimate own- and cross-price
elasticities and income elasticity of cigarettes in each category. Both models
are estimated using pooled ordinary least squares and fixed effects methods.
The results of
estimation show that increase in own
price decreases the probability of choosing a brand in a category. Price increase
of other brands increases the probability of choosing in that brand category
suggesting substitutability. The own-price elasticity is negative and
statistically significant for medium and high brands and statistically
insignificant for low and premium brands. The cross-price elasticities are
positive, suggesting that brands are substitutes and that smokers have
incentive to switch down to cheaper alternatives in the event of price
increases, instead of quitting or cutting down consumption.
Increasing cigarette
excise tax to induce price increases for cigarettes can prove ineffective in
achieving the objective of reducing smoking under price and product
differentiation, which need to be minimized through uniform specific excise
system that tends to reduce the variability of price and product regulation.