The role of non-governmental organizations in tobacco control in Romania
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Aer Pur Romania, Romania
European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention - ENSP, Belgium
University of Medicine and Pharmacy 'Iuliu Hatieganu', Romania
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A614
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Health Organization calls for comprehensive measures for tobacco control which
includes legislative, socio-economical and educational measures. This
presentation has two objectives. First it gives an overview of the tobacco
control in Romania. Second it gives examples which illustrate the role plaid by
non-governmental organizations in establishing activities and cooperation for
long term strategies in this field.
The results
are based on data from literature as well as personal experience of the
authors. The presentation underlines the strengths and weakness of tobacco
control in Romania, giving a special attention to the role plaid by
non-governmental organizations.
strengths of the tobacco control in Romania includes the legislation which
limits the exposure to tobacco control advertisement and exposure to passive
smoking in public places, the presence of pictogram on tobacco packages,
increasing prices for tobacco products, development of some educational
programs, including a smoking cessation program using the information
technology. The weaknesses include the limited funding for educational
activities for tobacco prevention and support for quitting smoking, poor
reinforcement of legislation which prohibits the access of adolescents to
tobacco products. The non-governmental organizations plaid an important role in
developing national and international cooperation which stimulated the
development of educational activities for tobacco prevention and cessation,
training and capacity building as well as advocacy for adopting and
implementation of legislation for tobacco control.
organizations play an important role in enhancing tobacco control in Romania
through a wide cooperation with national and international partners, which
several times stimulated the implication and commitment of several
organizations in this field.
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