Tobacco consumption patterns across gender and socioeconomic groups in Cameroon
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The University of Yaoundé I, Faculty of Medicine & HEREG, Public Health, Cameroon
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A801
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Cameroon has
substantial prevalence of both smoking and smokeless tobacco consumption, as well
as of relative weak dual consumption. Cameroon's tobacco consumption appears to
have geographical both urban and rural influences. The gender also seems to
play an important role in influencing patterns of tobacco consumption nationwide.
This study analyzes the determinants of smoking and smokeless tobacco
consumption in Cameroon.
study uses the 2011 Cameroon Demographic and Health Survey to analyze both
smoking tobacco and smokeless tobacco consumption, stratified by gender and
residence (urban/rural). Multivariate logistic regression models were used to
evaluate the relationship between gender-based tobacco consumption and residence
(urban/rural), age, marital status, education, socioeconomic quintile, and
ethnic group.
analysis indicates that both men and women consume two distinctly different
tobacco products. Tobacco is almost exclusively consumed by large proportions
of men in both urban (12,23% for smoking tobacco and 1,52% for smokeless tobacco)
and rural (19,15% for smoking tobacco and 3,94% for smokeless tobacco). The
prevalence of tobacco consumption is less than 1% for women in both urban and
rural areas for both smoking and smokeless tobacco. Conversely, while tobacco
consumption does not appear to be related to socioeconomic status for women, it
is likely that both the age and economic quintile influence the tobacco consumption
of men in both rural and urban areas of the country. These tobacco consumption patterns
are a reflection of the different production and market distribution for
smokeless tobacco and smoking tobacco in Cameroon.
geographical by urban and rural, gender and socioeconomic distribution of tobacco
consumption patterns are explored in order to begin the understanding of the
tobacco epidemic environment in Cameroon.