Tobacco packaging design for reducing tobacco use: cochrane systematic review
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King's College London, Addictions, United Kingdom
University of Waterloo, Canada
University of Stirling, United Kingdom
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A183
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11 and 13 of the WHO FCTC call for the elimination of logos, colours, brand
images and promotional information on tobacco
packaging that make tobacco products more attractive. We aimed to assess, using
a systematic review, the effect of standardised tobacco packaging (STP) on
tobacco attitudes and behaviours, including, for the first time, population-level
outcomes from Australia where STP was implemented in 2012. The review was published in 2017, but not yet presented
at a conference.
standard Cochrane methods, we searched nine databases for peer-reviewed
articles evaluating STP prior to January 2016, extracted relevant data and also
assessed risk of bias.
We identified 51 peer-reviewed studies,
with over 800,000 participants, a variety of methods and designs, and assessing
a range behavioural and non-behavioural outcomes; these were conducted predominantly
in high-income countries. We found that overall, STP had a positive effect on
behavioural and non-behavioural outcomes; while we also found some null results,
there were no negative effects. Australian
evidence suggested that STP reduced smoking prevalence, but certainty this
outcome was limited by the concurrent introduction of enhanced pictorial
warnings. The impact on non-behavioural outcomes was clearer (e.g. STP
consistently reduced the appeal of tobacco products), and provided plausible
mechanisms of effect consistent with the finding on prevalence. The impact of
STP was affected by the detail of the regulations (e.g. whether they banned
descriptors and controlled pack shape).
reduced the promotional appeal of tobacco packs in line with regulatory
objectives, and the available evidence also showed it may reduce smoking
prevalence. There is an urgent need for research to be conducted among low and middle-income
countries where 80% of the world's smokers live. Cochrane reviews are evolving
documents, updated as other studies become available.
Emotional Impact and Perceived Effectiveness of Text-Only versus Graphic Health Warning Tobacco Labels on Adolescents
Pedro Margalhos, Francisco Esteves, Jaime Vila, Patrícia Arriaga
The Spanish Journal of Psychology